Disability Income Insurance
Add clients and increase your income by expanding your portfolio of disability income insurance solutions. Rescue rated or declined cases. Offer coverage to self-employed blue & grey collar workers, business owners, CEOs, entertainers, and professional athletes. With hundreds of cases in underwriting across a dozen carriers at any given time, we know who to lean on to negotiate that exceptional offer for your clients’ personal, business overhead expense, buy-out, or small group disability income insurance needs.
Add clients and increase your income by expanding your portfolio of disability income insurance solutions. Rescue rated or declined cases. Offer coverage to self-employed blue & grey collar workers, business owners, CEOs, entertainers, and professional athletes. With hundreds of cases in underwriting across a dozen carriers at any given time, we know who to lean on to negotiate that exceptional offer for your clients’ personal, business overhead expense, buy-out, or small group disability income insurance needs.
Please send us a quick note outlining your need to requests@cpsadvantage.com.
We appreciate the opportunity. You’ll hear from us shortly. Thank you.
Contact a team member

Steve Jones, DIA, GBA

Tom Nicols, CLU, FLMI, ACS
Feel free to tell us about your need, or request a call-back from the next available team member, via email to: requests@cpsadvantage.com.