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Disability Income Insurance


Add clients and increase your income by expanding your portfolio of disability income insurance solutions.  Rescue rated or declined cases.  Offer coverage to self-employed blue & grey collar workers, business owners, CEOs, entertainers, and professional athletes. With hundreds of cases in underwriting across a dozen carriers at any given time, we know who to lean on to negotiate that exceptional offer for your clients’ personal, business overhead expense, buy-out, or small group disability income insurance needs.

Declines & ratings at conservative insurers become placeable offers at highly rated brand name carriers Declines & ratings at conservative insurers become placeable offers at highly rated brand name carriers
Anxiety, depression, and other medically challenging risks become insurable Anxiety, depression, and other medically challenging risks become insurable
Chiropractors, roofers, landscapers, flight attendants, masseuses, cruise ship workers, truck drivers Chiropractors, roofers, landscapers, flight attendants, masseuses, cruise ship workers, truck drivers
Professional athletes, extreme athletes, including UFC fighters Professional athletes, extreme athletes, including UFC fighters
High limit excess capacity coverage tops off traditional individual, BOE, and buy-out coverage High limit excess capacity coverage tops off traditional individual, BOE, and buy-out coverage
Elected officials, politicians, CEOs, entertainers, and other high profile individuals Elected officials, politicians, CEOs, entertainers, and other high profile individuals
Unacceptable occupations and challenging risks obtain coverage via small group bundling Unacceptable occupations and challenging risks obtain coverage via small group bundling


Add clients and increase your income by expanding your portfolio of disability income insurance solutions.  Rescue rated or declined cases.  Offer coverage to self-employed blue & grey collar workers, business owners, CEOs, entertainers, and professional athletes. With hundreds of cases in underwriting across a dozen carriers at any given time, we know who to lean on to negotiate that exceptional offer for your clients’ personal, business overhead expense, buy-out, or small group disability income insurance needs.

Declines & ratings at conservative insurers become placeable offers at highly rated brand name carriers Declines & ratings at conservative insurers become placeable offers at highly rated brand name carriers
Anxiety, depression, and other medically challenging risks become insurable Anxiety, depression, and other medically challenging risks become insurable
Chiropractors, roofers, landscapers, flight attendants, masseuses, cruise ship workers, truck drivers Chiropractors, roofers, landscapers, flight attendants, masseuses, cruise ship workers, truck drivers
Professional athletes, extreme athletes, including UFC fighters Professional athletes, extreme athletes, including UFC fighters
High limit excess capacity coverage tops off traditional individual, BOE, and buy-out coverage High limit excess capacity coverage tops off traditional individual, BOE, and buy-out coverage
Elected officials, politicians, CEOs, entertainers, and other high profile individuals Elected officials, politicians, CEOs, entertainers, and other high profile individuals
Unacceptable occupations and other challenging risks obtain coverage via small group bundling Unacceptable occupations and other challenging risks obtain coverage via small group bundling


Please send us a quick note outlining your need to

We appreciate the opportunity.  You’ll hear from us shortly.  Thank you.

Contact a team member

Disability Income Sales & Marketing Specialist
(949) 225-7164

Steve Jones, DIA, GBA

Disability Income Sales & Marketing Specialist
(949) 225-7164

Disability Income Sales & Marketing Manager
(949) 225-7155

Tom Nicols, CLU, FLMI, ACS

Disability Income Sales & Marketing Manager
(949) 225-7155

Feel free to tell us about your need, or request a call-back from the next available team member, via email to:

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CA Corp. Insurance License: 0E02059

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 Mailing & Overnight Address

CPS Advantage
6444 E. Spring Street #287
Long Beach, CA 90815

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