Underwriting Skin Cancer

Key Considerations
- Insurer selection is key to achieving favorable outcomes
- Type of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or malignant melanoma
- Key variables for melanoma: date of diagnosis, TNM score, Clark’s Level, Breslow Score, ulceration, # of mitosis per mm, # of melanomas, lymph node involvement, date since last treatment, evidence of recurrence, frequency of follow-up
- The more information we have about your client in advance of an application, the more accurate our carrier recommendations and preliminary pricing assessment
Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas have a limited impact on underwriting, provided they are treated and followed-up on a regular basis. We can quote those based on preferred or standard rates.
For malignant melanoma, please provide us with as much information as possible via one of the three methods below:
- If you have a recent application that was rated or declined, see Second Underwriting Opinion
- For a Word document with bulleted questions for emails or texts with applicants, download Malignant Melanoma Underwriting Questions
- Download fillable PDF Skin Cancer Questionnaire
For carrier selection and preliminary pricing, please forward answers to your Marketing Representative or to our underwriting review inbox via email. Thank you!