5 Questions
Answers to the 5 Questions below will enable us to match a life insurance applicant with the insurer, underwriter, and product that will result in the most favorable post-underwriting outcome. A little time invested prior to a formal application goes a long way toward having a happy client when you deliver the policy, priced exactly as expected!
- What prescription medications are you taking? Which condition does each treat?
- Have you used any form of tobacco, nicotine, or marijuana products in the past 3 years, including chewing, cigars, dipping, edibles (brownies, gummies), gum, joints, vaping, pipe, cigarettes, patch, or similar? If yes, please list each, including type, frequency, and date last used:
- What medical devices are you using (e.g., CPAP to treat sleep apnea, pacemaker or defibrillator to regulate heartbeat):
- Have you been hospitalized, or undergone outpatient treatment, for any reason in the past 5 years? If yes, please provide reason, dates, and outcomes:
- Have your mom or dad been diagnosed with, or passed away from, heart disease, cancer, or stroke prior to age 65? If so, who, what happened? At what age were they diagnosed? If they passed away, how old were they?
Please provide answers to these questions to your CPS Advantage case design specialist or send them to requests@cpsadvantage.com. Include recent ins co exam, non-med, communication from underwriters, MHQ, existing (or competing) offers and any other relevant underwriting information you may already have. We’ll survey the market to match your applicant with our industry’s most competitive solution(s). Thank you!