Underwriting Elevated Liver Functions
Key Considerations
- Insurer selection is key to achieving favorable outcomes
- Key variables: cause of the elevated liver functions; level of elevation of liver enzymes over time; alcohol use pattern; build;
- The more information we have about your client in advance of an application, the more accurate our carrier recommendations and preliminary pricing assessment
Elevated liver functions are very common. They may be caused by the use of over-the-counter medications, cholesterol-lowering medications, viral infections, significant alcohol use, or build (high BMI). Underwriting depends heavily on the diagnosis. Absent formal diagnosis (i.e. a new finding) underwriters will look at the overall client profile to make an offer. The more information we know in advance of formal underwriting, the more accurate our carrier recommendations and pre-underwriting pricing estimates.
- If you have a recent application that was rated or declined, see Second Underwriting Opinion
- For a Word document with bulleted questions for emails or texts with applicants, download Abnormal Liver Function Test Questions
- Download fillable PDF Elevated Liver Function Questionnaire
- Online Life Insurance Quote Request with Liver Function Questions
For carrier selection and preliminary pricing, please forward answers to your Marketing Representative or to our underwriting review inbox via email. Thank you!