Life Insurance Underwriting Strategies for Applicants with Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (AFibs) refers to an intermittent (paroxysmal) or chronic (permanent) irregular heart beat. Increasing age is a key risk factor. Underlying causes include various forms of heart disease, alcohol abuse, hyperthyroidism, among many other possible causes.
Underwriting Concerns:
AFibs increase the risk of blood clot formation. Blood clots may break loose and travel to other parts of the body, including the brain, where they can lead to strokes. Other concerns relate to the cause of the atrial fibrillations. What changes have occurred that now lead to this irregular heart rhythm? Finally, how effective is the treatment for the condition.
Expected Underwriting Outcomes:
Individuals with established periodic episodes of atrial fibrillations with regular medical checkups, current normal EKGs & NT-proBNP levels and no ratable underlying risk factors may qualify for preferred or standard rates. The same is true for individuals who were successfully treated with ablation therapy more than 12 months prior to the application.
Applicants with frequent episodes of AFib or chronic AFib without ratable underlying risk factors rarely qualify for standard rates; with favorable underwriting credits, low table ratings are common.
Patients with underlying heart disease or other medical risk factors that cause the AFibs are rated for cause. Cases with severe underlying heart disease, lung problems, or alcohol abuse can often qualify for guaranteed issue policies.
Insurer Selection is Key:
Several highly rated brand name insurers have developed specialized expertise in underwriting applicants with AFibs. Unfortunately, there is no one best insurer for all applicants. Therefore, it is best to gather a few key facts in advance of a formal application. Our underwriters can use that information to negotiate preliminary underwriting assessment from several insurers, identify the most aggressive carrier, and model approximate product pricing for you. You and your client can then make an informed decision on the best way forward. Answers to the questions below will enable us to identify our industry’s top solution(s) for your client.
Pre-Formal Underwriting Questions:
- Your name:
- What is your date of birth:
- What is your gender? F ____ M ____
- When were you first diagnosed with AFibs?
- Do you experience periodic episodes of AFibs or chronic? If intermittent, how often?
- If you experience AFibs periodically, what is the date of your last episode? _________
- Have you had ablation therapy (pulmonary vein isolation – PVI)? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, when? _________
- If you had ablation therapy (pulmonary vein isolation – PVI), have you had AFibs since? If yes, describe: __________
- Describe any symptoms you experience during AFib:
- Date of your most recent EKG: _________
- Date of your most recent stress EKG, if done: _________
- Date of your most recent Holter monitor, if done: _________
- Date of your most recent angiogram, if done: _________
- Please list any diagnosed (known) cause for the AFibs:
- Do you have a pacemaker installed? If so, when was it installed: _________
- List any prescription medications you are taking & what you are taking them for:
- Describe any regular exercise: _________
- Do you use any form of tobacco or marijuana? If so, describe type and frequency of usage:
- Are there any other medical conditions for which you are being treated? If so, describe:
- How frequently to you follow-up with your healthcare provider?