Outside Insurance Made Easy

The CPS Advantage
Our Learn to Earn Bonus $ rewards you for writing Special Risks & expanding your insurance portfolio beyond NM. Plus we make outside insurance super EASY; we even offer to take the app on your behalf! Let’s get started, today!
- Cut your tobacco users’ & marijuana smokers‘ premiums in half.
- Expand your portfolio with level term 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, GUL, SGUL.
- Level term at age 70, 75, even age 80! Popular for key-person & buy-sells.
- $5M Exam and Lab-FREE life insurance from top rated mutual insurer.
- Claims-friendly, ultra-flexible, cash-out indemnity LTC insurance options.
From submission to commissions, outside insurance has never been easier!
For easy online quote requests and additional ideas you can use to grow your business, visit CPS Advantage
Second Opinions for Special Risk, Rated, or Declined Cases
Get a second opinion for rated and declined life cases. Our team of medical underwriting directors stands by to negotiate top offers. Our online form makes it easy for you to submit prior apps, MHQs, paramedical exams, lab results, EKGs, medical records, or underwriter comments with a signed HIPAA (e-signature is OK) or via secure email.
Matching Clients with Insurer for Best Underwriting Results
Let’s put our heads together and match your client to the insurer that will make the best offer. Maybe we can even de-risk underwriting with exam and lab-free underwriting? Tell us about your client via our online life insurance quote request form. If you already have an MHQ and related info, send that to us via secure email. Whichever your preference, let’s discuss cases before taking an app or scheduling a medical.
Open Giant Cases with Tom Lipscomb
Do you primarily help your clients with their investments? Are you up-to-date with the latest tax mitigation and elimination strategies? Different flavors of ILITs? If you’re not sure, invite estate and wealth transfer planning expert, Tom Lipscomb, to guide you and your clients through the maze of options. Gain access to his decades of experience and approach your clients with confidence! Watch how Tom introduces your clients to sophisticated tax-reduction strategies he has optimized just for them. Reach out to him now so he can help your clients avoid the voluntary $400,000 tax per $1M of wealth before the deadline!
Individual and Joint Lives LTC Options with Cash-Out Indemnity Benefits
Expand your portfolio with cash-out indemnity long-term care funding solutions on an individual or joint-lives basis. Teach clients how they can turn recent tweaks of the tax code to their advantage via our industry’s leading Asset-Based LTC, Linked Benefits, hybrids, LTC flavored life insurance and LTC-focused annuities. Overcome “use it or lose it” objections! Our LTC Insurance Resources page gives you access to consumer-approved educational tools.
Are you working with a client who needs LTC right now? Tell us about them and we’ll make it easy for you to represent our industry’s top LTC solutions, including the just released cash-out indemnity, no-receipt for benefits required, survivorship life option from a highly rated mutual life insurer.
Access Level Term 15, 25, 30, 35, 40 and “Forever Term”
The recent introduction of 40-year level term enables young policy buyers to insure their entire anticipated lifetime income with a simple inexpensive term life insurance policy. Beyond 40 years, we can structure Guaranteed UL to provide inexpensive term-like options for any length of time, including lifetime. Tell us about your client’s need, send us an email, or complete our easy online Life Insurance Quote Request Form to order an illustration. Your colleagues are offering 30-year level term to their young family clients, often to protect a new mortgage. Should you add that option to your insurance portfolio?
Open New Cases with Insurance-Friendly Articles from The Wall Street Journal
Opening new cases has never been easier! Our library of recent WSJ articles gives you everything you need to strike up fresh, insurance-focused conversations with clients & prospects. Keep your name on top of mind via the regular delivery of news articles.
Put Al Granum’s One Card System on Steroids
Grow your business by leveraging technology to your advantage. Learn how you can easily put Al Granum’s One Card System on steroids. Turn your 10-3-1 into 50-20-10. Implement this strategy today, and find several ideal pre-qualified prospects in your inbox tomorrow. Yes, it is that easy! If this idea intrigues you, let’s schedule a Zoom to explore how you can quickly deploy these tools to accelerate the growth of your practice.
Blue Collar, Impaired Risk, Executive Excess Capacity & Professional Athlete Disability Income Insurance
Assist your blue & gray collar clients, business owners, professional athletes, or entertainers with individual DI, BOE, Buy-Out, small group DI, and excess capacity coverage. Have a rated or declined app due to anxiety or depression? Chiropractors? Tell us about your client and our DI solutions specialists will find the right solution for your client.